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Jesus is why we exist as a church. He is our leader and we want everything we do to promote him. But who is Jesus?


Jesus is God's Son, meaning he is God because God has revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Spirit.  There has never been a time when Jesus did not exist. He created the world, and after mankind rebelled against him he entered into the world as a man to restore those who follow him (John 1:10-12).  Jesus made God visible to the world (Colossians 1:15). His death on the cross for the wrongs we have done was the ultimate demonstration of God's love for us (1 John 4:9-10). And his resurrection from the dead vindicated his deity (Romans 1:4). We now await for his return when he will make all things new and will rule the earth in peace (Revelation 22:12).


If you want to talk to someone about who Jesus is and how to have a relationship with him, let us know at  And here's a video to give you the big picture of what Jesus has done for you:

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